Designinging and and concepting innovative mobile solutions for the societal needs.
Ever wondered, when it comes to social services, why there is only a little experimentation and innovation?
In this project, I was responsible for ux-, ui- and visual design, concept design and prototyping. Project started in 2023 and is still running.
I was completing my Master and then...
While completing my Master at Lahti Institute of Design I decided to focus on public services with my thesis. I completed a study where I researched how to increase participatory inside the society. My theses was a success and can be read here.
At the same time I started to wonder if I could push this topic even further. Based on my experience public discussion is hard if you have only your words or opinions – you’ll need some concrete examples or concepts to proof your points. That’s how Disruptedby was started.
Concrete ideation and concepts to improve citizen experience
I decided to keep it a simple project or a lab where I could freely try and test ideas. Those ideas might be too wild for the very current moment but could give something to think in the future.
I started by observing my everyday life – what kind of topics are there in the media, what people are discussing, what kind of situation I face all the time and so forth. I realised that the list is enormous and there were a lot of interesting findings.
I didn’t want to push those ideas to far because I didn’t want to be in a situatioN where I have lot of ideas but nothing to publish. Also I wondered what would be the suitable platform to publish the ideas? I didn’t want to use social media that much but keep it in my own hands.
Eventually I decided that I can combine many things in one way. I’ll create my own web service platform where I can publish those concepts, shape up my front end development skills and also web design skills.
It's a personal playgroud with a purpose
Disruptedby.fi is now up and running. You can already find couple of ideas there and more is about to come. I want to keep it my personal playground without any stress. The concepts there are visual representations of the ideas I had, not like finalised products. Read more about the concepts below.