Social Insurance Institution of Finland
Leading the development team and creating new digital service concepts.
Leading the development team for one of the biggest web services in Finland
In this project, I was responsible for coordinating the development team work and designing and concepting new digital services. I was involved in this position in 2014-2015.
Public web service with a massive user base and demand
I worked as the leader of the web service development team and also as the product owner. The team was small including technical specialists for frontend, backend and database. Our team was operating by using agile methods, especially the scrum framework.
I was responsible for specifying the business needs, organising our team’s work balance, maintaining and prioritising the backlog, planning development sprints and running the sprints.
Nowadays this kind of role could seen pretty much as a scrum master but back in 2014 the role was somewhat a combination of PO and SM duties.
Concepting additional digital service channels
Besides working as a team lead I also had designer duties concerning and other digital service platforms. I was responsible for, among other things, the concept and design of the popular Kysy Kelasta discussion forum.
Kysy Kelasta was a brand new service channel where citizens have a possibility to ask pretty much anything concerning social benefits. During the first month almost 15 000 individual users visited the service and over 1000 replies to those questions were written by Kela officers.
The service was heavily used with mobile devices. It was one of the first digital services by Kela where the mobile usage was even higher than desktop traffic.